CBD & COVID-19: True or False Promises?
If you have any symptoms suggesting coronavirus infection, you should seek medical attention. Avoid self-medicating and only use medication or other supplements after the advice of a qualified medical professional.
- Currently, there is no evidence that CBD helps with coronavirus infection.
- There is limited scientific evidence that CBD has anti-viral properties.
- CBD has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting properties. This might make CBD a candidate worthy of further research for coronavirus infection.
How does CBD Affect the Immune System?
We’re surrounded by potentially deadly bacteria and viruses from the day we’re born. And yet, we somehow manage to survive among them. Why? Because we have an immune system — a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that protects our bodies against intruders. Our immune system produces two types of white blood cells. They search for — and eliminate — viruses, bacteria, and other aggressive molecules that attack the body. 1) Lymphocytes (type B and T): these cells eliminate pathogens and help the body remember potential intruders. 2) Phagocytes: these blood cells absorb and neutralize dangerous chemicals. The immune system has one major role: detecting and eliminating malignant cells in the body. Scientists describe this process as apoptosis and CBD has shown to trigger apoptosis.
CBD, Endocannabinoid System, and COVID-19: Is There a Link?

When it comes to the subject of CBD and coronavirus, how can CBD affect the immune system? In order to understand that, we need to take a closer look at the relationship between the immune system and our Endocannabinoid system. The proper functioning of the immune system depends on the communication between organs, tissues, and cells that are part of this system. Scientists found another part of the puzzle in the 1990s upon the discovery of the human endocannabinoid system (ECS).
The ECS — the prime system in the body — consists of two types of receptors (CB1 and CB2), ligands known as Endocannabinoids, proteins that transport them, and enzymes that break them down. The ECS releases its endocannabinoids on demand, modulating cellular activity between synapses. That’s why scientists describe this system as the regulator of homeostasis. Homeostasis means balance between vital biological processes in the body. Both CB1 and CB2 receptors occur in the immune cells. However, the CB2 receptor is 100x more concentrated there. This is how CBD produces the majority of its anti-inflammatory and immune-regulating effects.
CBD can act both as immunomodulator and immunosuppressant depending on the situation. In healthy individuals, CBD balances the functioning of the immune system, helping the body stay vigilant against infections and viruses. But on the other hand, studies show that CBD can suppress an overactive immune system, where the body starts to attack itself without any serious reason. In a compromised immune system, especially when it gets overactive, the body may start to attack itself, causing continuous inflammation. That’s because the body also attacks healthy cells.
Studies have shown that CBD can effectively suppress that agitation through its interaction with the CB2 receptor in the immune cells. Interestingly, CBD doesn’t shut the whole immune system down; instead, it seems to act locally on the affected areas inside the body. An overactive immune system wreaks regular havoc to the body. On the other hand, a weakened immune system makes us more vulnerable to infections and viruses like COVID-10.
Clinical endocannabinoid deficiencies has been recently claimed as the reason for a wide range of autoimmune disorders. That’s why homeostasis is paramount for optimal immune health. CBD helps the endocannabinoid system achieve and maintain homeostasis by triggering the death of malignant cells. Studies have shown that cannabinoids like CBD can boost immune function by stimulating the CB2 receptor in the cells, tissues, and organs of the immune system. When the immune system is compromised, CBD can signal it to localize sick cells in the body, eliminate them, and prevent them from accumulating.
Further Reading About CBD and COVID-19